Logan: The Throes of Heroism
The hero is portrayed as courageous, compassionate and morally just, rarely investigating their susceptibility to natural human infallibilities. Logan concludes the 17 year story of Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine in this way, showing the true toll of heroism on our beloved, clawed hero.
We discuss the demythologisation of superheroes, the lamentations of Fox and sacrificing mainstream popularity to tell good stories. You can read an excerpt and listen to the full episode below.
Patrick: I’m not a huge fan of the ending of that final act. The re-affirmation of the superhero myth, I suppose. What I love about this movie is that much like Endgame, it really proudly acknowledges its legacy and the universe it’s established, but, inversely to Endgame I like how its not this sort of garish nostalgia trip. Rather its this somber and reflective mediation on not only the seventeen year journey of this character, but also the nature of superhero and comic book films in general.
And as you’ve said the violence in this film is amazing. I love how its visceral but its really clear. One shot that always sticks in my mind is in the first scene Wolverine sticks his claws through the bottom of some guy’s head and it comes out the top. And the guys mouth is open and you can see his claws in his mouth.
Michi: Yeah, right okay.
Patrick: It’s these little details like that which kind of convince me of violence.
Michi: And that’s the thing, right. Wolverine, his way of killing people is so brutal and he is conveyed as an animal in a sense, in the comic books and stuff. That’s why he called Wolverine. The fact that you can finally elaborate on that, and kind of show case that in its true form works so well for this finale, as well because it truly represents wolverine.
Patrick: That’s a huge thing that this movie explores. His sort of violent nature that’s comparable to an animal. Again that's something that’s been explored throughout these movies. You know from the very first one he’s… It’s so fitting that he’s with Charles Xavier because throughout the X-Men films, especially in the early ones, he’s [Charles] the one trying to save him [Logan] and redeem him. That he sees he’s more than this animal.
Everything about this movie is a tragedy. It’s the fact that Charles was unable to prevent that from happening and then Charles himself fell from this super intelligent shrewd dude to this kind of mentally degenerative person.
Michi: Yeah it’s super deeply degrading.
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