Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker: All Hail Disney

Why is the sequel trilogy of Star Wars a critical failure? While some of it could be attributed to the poor narrative, it mostly boils down to it being too corporate. The Rise of Skywalker disappoints as it attempts to satisfy generationally new Star Wars followers while leaving a bad taste for the 'fans of the old guard'.

We dive into the questionable writing, symbolism and plot contrivances that all add up to a movie that feels like it was written by committee. You can read an excerpt and listen to the full episode below.

Patrick: This level of spectacle and razzle dazzle can’t happen without a lot of different interests colliding, that of artistic and commerce. But I feel like this franchise, in general, strikes an awkward balance between the two. And it seems that every fibre of this movie’s being is designed to conform to what Disney thinks will best fit the contemporary cultural landscape and the romanticised expectations of the very vehement fans. To put it lightly.

So basically they were trying to make the most inoffensive film ever.

Michi: Okay.

Patrick: It’s an attempt to have the broadest appeal. And it has become unabashedly perfunctory.

Michi: In what way?

Patrick: For example, there was a lot of speculation as to whether Rey would turn into a villain, right?

Michi: Yeah.

Patrick: Something I want to talk about later on too, but that makes sense for the story. I think it would make it a lot more engaging, and richer. But - and this is a bit pessimistic and cynical, and I’m not saying this the only reason they did it - but casting a female lead was a very smart choice in the contemporary political landscape.

Michi: Yeah of course.

Patrick: Don’t get me wrong, it’s a totally necessary thing to do to have these changes in main stream movies. But at the same time it feels very insincere to me. I want to have it both ways. I want there to be change in the main stream pop culture but also…

Michi: What makes it seem to you like Rey was so deliberately just to fit a political agenda, rather than just randomly picking a female?

Patrick: Especially in the first film she’s very much a Mary Sue. She kind of has no faults. It’s as if they were scared to make her have faults because it would be seen as sexist or they would be prone to criticism, you know? And I feel like this decision to not make Rey evil is because it would tarnish that new image that they’re trying to push into the culture.

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