Secretly Rebooting Your Show: Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Analysis

Podcasts Jan 26, 2024

If you returned to a show 20 years after you rebooted it to find it in tatters, what would you do? Magic? Us too. Doctor Who is one of them staples for us. It's difficult to understate the percentage of the David/Michi/Pat group chat that's entirely consumed by Michi and David talking about Doctor Who.

The gang talks about The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle this time. David is a little too tipsy to be academic, Michi can't stop feeling alienated, Pat is happy to be here and Alex is the real MVP.


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David McNeill

David McNeill is the author of Maynard Trigg and editor-in-chief of ZeroIndent. He's a dedicated storyteller with a background in literary analysis and comms.

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